Toryglen Pumptrack
Velosolutions undertook the Toryglen Pump Track project, located near the Cathkin Braes Pump Track that the company designed and built for the Glasgow 2018 European Games. While Cathkin Braes is a larger and more progressive track, Toryglen was created as an entry-level facility for beginners and improvers, accommodating bikes, scooters, and balance bikes. The 110m track provided a safe and exciting first experience of pump tracks, featuring rest areas for riders to gather and learn from each other.
Subcontracted by iDverde, Velosolutions collaborated with landscape architects to integrate the pump track into a larger green infrastructure scheme. The design included optimal 1:3 gradient embankments using site-won topsoil. Value engineering involved using seed for landscaping, allowing for germination and cost savings for the track itself. Velosolutions, known for starting with a level site on every project, ensured proper track functionality and momentum for riders to develop pumping skills.
Construction involved the use of custom mix asphalt, providing a smooth yet grippy surface in wet conditions. Velosolutions demonstrated expertise in shaping the asphalt to create stability at steep angles and achieve a consistent ride surface.
4 weeks
3 March 2021